Jade Dynasty 0.2

Hey all! 
New build changes:

- dying properly resets enemies and objects.

- gun stats UI tweaked to provide some info more useful to the player

- floor system implemented. See how far you can go! Gun damage and enemy health scale with what floor you're on.

- reload time on snipers down. Actively monitoring reload times across the board.

-  snake's bullets properly damage the player

- respawning after dying properly resets ammo counts

- added enemy health bars! (using temporary assets)

- added elite enemies. Actively work in progress, but this ties into the..

- gun elemental system rework! Fire - Water - Lightning as elements. Match the right color to the right type of elite to deplete their colored health bar faster. Also a fourth element: Stasis! Slow down enemies to a crawl, eventually freezing them entirely. A shot from another element will instantly kill them in this state.

- big rooms actually have enemies now

Balance still needs fine-tuning, but let us know what you think!


Jade0.2.zip 27 MB
Feb 18, 2023

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